Our community and environment are at the heart of what we do and create. Whilst are buildings are created to outlast other buildings, we also reduce our waste as well as your heating and maintenance requirements. Our minimal waste has become treasure in other hands whilst we derive pleasure and reward from using our time and resources to enlighten local lifes. Andy & Mandy Young.

Our factory built structures and careful timber selections ensures we direct most timber watse for reuse. These Poochie Planters were made from a decking we reoved to make way for one of our buildings
Whilst wood donated to a local artist Tilehurst Woodworks makes year round and seasonal items from other waste profiles. Waste is kept to a minimum by ordering optimum size timber lengths from suppliers. Our own stock facility allows us to buy in bulk, reducing supplier deliveries.
Partnering local Charity Reading Repair Cafe we sponsor a project to turn timber smaller off cuts into Bird Box Kits. We also reached out to our network of trade contacts to join us. Volunteers process and pack these ready for local children to gain practical experience assembling and using these for our local wildlife. We treat timber after we install, allowing waste pieces to be used for natural, non-chemical uses such as this.
Having previously won a prestigious Pride of Reading Award for Community Support, the owners of Kingdom Rooms have sponsored the 2024 Community Event of the Year Award. Proudly supporting the 20th Anniversary of awards that celebrates the great people of Reading.
For the last 2 years we turned one of our buildings into a Grotto and had visits from th big man himself, Santa. Ticket proceeds were donated to The Stroke Association and Cancer Research UK. OK, we had a great time too along with our 500 visitors.
Buying British supports jobs whilst reducing our carbon footprint. Kingdom Rooms are Made in Britain accedited, sourcing British made and processed products where quality, costs and practability allow.
FSC – Forest Stewardship Council UK internationally promote environmental and social benefits of responsable timber use. We use FSB and also PEFC approved wood, helping protect our natural environment.
Our PVC windows and doors use A+ Rated glazing for optimum insulation whilst the frame are environmentlly friendly Lead-Free plastic. Three times more efficient than normal double glazing, our beneficial ‘G’ Value allows Free heat gain from the sun, whilst a costing reflacts back escaping heat (just like a thermos flask). Internal blind options redue heat gain as they reflect solar rays.
Technology has created multiple benefits. Our site installers use devices to view all your cloud based notes, so no paper and we can (and have) Facetimed clients as far away as the Carribean checking detail as we build. Our accounts are moving to paperless along with all corresppondance and we have even requested certain suppliers ammend documents so your customers need less ink if printing.
Factory built, site assembled and finished, our build process is quick and efficient. Our impact on your garden is minimal too, great for the lawn and your local nature. Our ground screw bases are favoured by Tree Protection Officers as we avoid harmful concrete, which often contain vegetation killing lime. All processes reduce deliveries to and waste from site, great for a low carbon footprint build.
Being a solid profile (instead of a conventional hollow section), our cladding is less liable to damage than others, so we see less waste and you have little chance of future damage too. Some offcuts are donated to make plant boxes whilst smaller pieces and wrappings make their way back to the manufacturer for recycling. An international manufacturer who listened to our requests to initiate this trial service now in place.
They make look uninteresting but these protect the corners of windows and doors whilst in transit. Our manufacturer makes 2500 products a week, so that’s 10,000 corners used weekly (or half a million annually). A small step, we led the way by starting a scheme to return these once removed on site. Reducing the use of plastics and helping our supplier reduce product costs.
Mandy and Andy are long time supporters of Reading Lions Charity, helping to fundraise and deliver many events to support people in need in Reading and Inetrnationally. Andy is a proud recipeint of the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award for Humanitarian Services. Their fundraising activities started 40 years ago. Andy was also a Trustee and Vice Chair of the Dystonia UK National Charity which supports over 100,000 UK people living with neaurological conditions.